Have you ever been awake at night, let’s say maybe 3 am, listening into the silence of the world around you being fast asleep?
That kind of silence that rather *feels* like a spaciousness full of potential?
Yes? Well, me too. And it’s been in these moments when I was asking myself since I was a little child “Where do we come from?” and “Why are we here?”.
I am Christina, a space holder, intuitive introvert and word witch who sees her highly sensitive nature as her superpower – for nothing in the world would I want to give away my ability to see and feel music, the goosebumps I get when ‘Shine On Your Crazy Diamond’ blasts through the speakers or to converse with and feel Nature.
Here I write about my musings, teachings and insights I’m getting from life, spirit and nature that could explain where we can find meaning or more quality in our lives or I share whatever poetry came through during a Breathwork session or meditation.
When I’m not writing, I’m usually busy as a Breathwork facilitator, teaching Yoga classes, pausing to smell the flowers on the sidewalks or taking pictures of them, gazing into the sky - day or night - or solving puzzles in speed mode with my friend.